lack Ink Writers group is a development group of professional screenwriters who have produced and/or sold award-winning web-series, features and television shows. The goal of this group is to sell more content. There is a table read twice a month with professional actors in front of six scribes. After each read, the room exchanges ideas on how to improve the story, what works and what doesn’t. We meet every other Tuesday with each screenwriter bringing in 25 pages of material. Actors and potential members may audit two sessions to determine if this is the group for you. Currently accepting the following genres, drama, action-drama, romantic comedy, thriller and horror. Members pay a $20 monthly fee. Members must present new work every 4 weeks.
Sign up to attend, audit a meeting, submit a script sample, accept our invite, pay your monthly dues. If you do not attend on a regular it is likely your script will not be chosen to work on. Sign Up

Please do not submit unsolicited material. Unsolicited material will not be considered.
Writers come to brainstorm on new ideas for motion pictures, short films, documentaries and web series. While working on new ideas we have a guest speaker (writer, director or producer) discussing their journey of completing their project that is currently released (web-series, short film, feature or television show). RSVP HERE. If you are interested in being a guest speaker, email us with your title, bio and contact info.


A documentary series of writer(s) discussing their journey of completing a polished script.